Boot loops / Black screen (“unbricking”)


Some causes for the looping boot animation

  • Damaged “saved_variables.cfg”
  • Other damaged configuration files (printer.cfg, moonraker.cfg, etc.)
  • KlipperScreen in a too recent version (depends on python-3.8, which is not available for Sovol’s outdated armbian buster). See klipperscreen:python-3.8 for a fix.

Typical causes for the damaged files

  • No more space left on the filesystem
  • Powering off the KlipperScreen by the switch without shutting it down first
  • Incompatible or wrongly installed additional klipper macros

Some causes for a black screen

  • Updating the system without having the kernel and dtb file locked
    (That became unlikely after Armbian Buster got removed from online archives in spring 2024.)


  • Always make sure that there is enough space left on the filesystem first by removing old gcode files (and then reboot the device).
  • Clean up the saved_variables.cfg as shown below
  • If that did not help: Do a factory reset using Sovol’s armbian-update.deb
  • If even that did not work: Do a full reflash of the eMMC using Sovol’s KLIPAD50_IMAGE

Cleaning up saved_variables.cfg

  • Open that file in the web frontend (found in the machine tab in mainsail or the configuration tab {...} in fluidd)
  • Replace the content of that file with the following lines, then save and reboot the device:
    filepath = ''
    last_file = ''
    was_interrupted = False

Factory reset using Sovol’s armbian-update.deb

Full reflash of the eMMC using Sovol’s KLIPAD50_IMAGE

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