Upgrading from MKS-PI images
Unsupported images
- Original Sovol/Makerbase image
- Upgrading from armbian-buster based images is not supported.
- You need to start from a bookworm based image.
Supported images
- Images based on MKS-PI, e.g.
- from https://github.com/redrathnure/armbian-mkspi
- complete klipper image “sovolized-v25.2.0.05”
- complete klipper image “sovolized-03-numpy”
- Images based on pre-release MKS-KLIPAD50
Images based on MKS-PI
Make an image of your eMMC card before trying to upgrade!
The next steps need to be done as root. Execute
sudo su cd
And when you are done, execute
to switch back to the default user (or do a reboot).
- Switch to rolling repository
- Execute
sed -i "s/apt\.armbian\.com/beta.armbian.com/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
- Execute
- Allow board updates
- Execute
apt-mark unhold armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current armbian-config armbian-firmware armbian-plymouth-theme armbian-zsh base-files linux-dtb-current-rockchip64 linux-headers-current-rockchip64 linux-image-current-rockchip64 linux-u-boot-mkspi-current
- Execute
- Update board packages (and others)
- Execute
apt update && apt -y upgrade
- Execute
- Replace BSP (board-support-package) and bootloader package
- Execute
apt -y remove armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current
- Execute
apt -y install armbian-bsp-cli-mksklipad50-current linux-u-boot-mksklipad50-current
- Execute
- Force updating bootloader
- Execute
sed -i "/^FORCE_UBOOT_UPDATE/ s/=.*/=yes/" /etc/armbian-release
- Execute
dpkg-reconfigure linux-u-boot-mksklipad50-current
- Execute
sed -i "/^FORCE_UBOOT_UPDATE/ s/=.*/=/" /etc/armbian-release
- Execute
- Load rk805 module at boot (makes status-LEDs work)
- Execute
echo "pinctrl-rk805" >> /etc/modules
- Execute
- Clean up old DTB workaround
- This will throw some error messages. Simply ignore them.
- Execute
apt -y remove klipad50-dtb-fix
- Reboot
- Execute
- Execute
Images based on pre-release MKS-KLIPAD50
Make an image of your eMMC card before trying to upgrade!
The next steps need to be done as root. Execute
sudo su cd
And when you are done, execute
to switch back to the default user (or do a reboot).
This only applies to images downloaded from
(Klipad50 images downloaded from armbian.com do not need any changes.)
- Switch to rolling repository
- Execute
sed -i "s/apt\.armbian\.com/beta.armbian.com/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
- Execute
- Allow board updates
- Execute
apt-mark unhold armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current armbian-config armbian-firmware armbian-plymouth-theme armbian-zsh base-files linux-dtb-current-rockchip64 linux-headers-current-rockchip64 linux-image-current-rockchip64 linux-u-boot-mkspi-current
- Execute
- Update board packages (and others)
- Execute
apt update && apt -y upgrade
- Execute
- Reboot
- Execute
- Execute